Specialized Courses Guitar :
- Alternate Picking
Picking it's all about up, down, up, down and all around with your pick. Split into three leveled sections Guitar Gym Alternate Picking doles out a comprehensive, rigorous game plan for you to get your picking together. Each level is split up into three workouts.
- Hybrid Picking
Hybrid Picking it’s all about two pick hand elements – the pick and your remaining fingers namely the second (middle or P2). Split into three leveled sections Guitar ‘O’ Botics Hybrid Picking guides you through a comprehensive, rigorous game plan for you to get this extremely useful technique together.
- Speed Picking
This edition focuses on developing your speed picking technique with an emphasis on control, stamina, timing and (of course) speed
Course Duration :
- Combo Pack : 27 weeks
- Single Course : 9 weeks
Courses to be held at the Center
* Combo offers available
Classes held Twice a week. All week practice facility.