Day & Time : Classes held Twice a week.
All week practice facility.
Session Duration : 60 minutes per session
Introducing Keyboard students participate in a variety of interesting and fun activities - developing their understanding of rhythm through clapping and counting, reading treble and bass clefs, scales, Arpeggios and learning to play music on the keyboard both individually and together.

Another important aspect of the course is an emphasis on singing songs using solfege ('do-re-mi') before playing them on the keyboard. This helps develop each child's 'inner ear' and sight singing skills, which are crucial to all music making.

Eligibility :
1. Students need no previous experience or qualifications to register for these Music Workshops.
2. The sessions are geared towards absolute beginners and are a stepping stone to the professional base courses.
3. The students should be fluent in English as that would be the medium of instruction.