Day & Time : Classes held Twice a week.
All week practice facility.
Session Duration : 60 minutes per session
Guitar Lab is part of (JAM – Joe’s Academy of Music)
Intended and designed especially for Intermediate and Advanced Guitar Players

Do you suck at?
  • Do Your Guitar Solos Suck….?
  • Is your Rhythm not “Tight Enough”…..?
  • Having Problems with Your Scales….?
  • Is Your Execution Not Good Enough….?
  • Can’t Manage Your Practice Time….?

Why Aren't You A Better Guitar Player?
If you are like most people, you desire to become a better guitar player. Through my own learning experience and through teaching well over 1,000 students, I have learned a lot on this subject. Students often ask why they are not at the level that they desire to be and what can be done about it.

I have asked myself this same question many times over the years. A long time passed before I began to understand the answers. Like you probably have done, I have read many interviews with great guitar players and articles written by some of these same people. I often found it frustrating whenever the subject of learning to play guitar came up or when advice was offered on improving one's guitar playing.

With a small number of exceptions, very little time and space was offered on the topic. It's not uncommon to see the advice be summed up in a grand total of three words: Practice! Practice!! Practice!!! Well of course we all know that practicing is the main ingredient. But rarely are we told much more than that. In my long quest to become an excellent guitar player and to help my students do the same, I carefully took note of what worked and what didn't. What parts of conventional wisdom are accurate and what parts (at least in my opinion) are not.

A Lifetime Of  Limitation, Frustration and Damage To Your Guitar Playing....?
Want to take your Guitar Playing to the Next Level….?

Here Is What You Get

Direct Attention:

So that you get targeted and specific guidance to uncover and then destroy the things that are holding you back. And next, to replace those things with my innovative, powerful and PROVEN strategies, training and items you need to once and all master your guitar.

  • A Complete, Accurate & Expert Assessment
  • A Personal & Specific Diagnosis of Your Guitar Fretboard Problems; & the Solutions to Overcome them
  • BURNED IN Training & Practising Skills
  • The Process of Absolute Mastery
  • Accountability for Your Success
  • Get More from Your Guitar Practice
  • Guitar Practicing Secrets
  • How to Practice Improvising on Your Guitar
  • Guitar Practice Myths – A Joe D’Souza Review & Critique of Conventional Guitar Advice
  • An Experience of a Lifetime

Guitar Lab at Joe’s Academy of Music (JAM) is proud to announce their new specialized courses aiming to get you to play like a Pro…
The courses are intended for high level guitar students and guitar players …

Do you suck at?
1. Arpeggios
2. Speed Picking
3. Alternate Picking
4. Tapping
5. Modes
6. Shredding
7. Composing….etc

Well we’ve got it all covered for you…
Come Hone your skills with us and be the guitar player you desire to become.
And Much More

Come Lets Pursue The Artistry of Greatness