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    RSL (Rockschool Limited) brings together the leading names in Contemporary Arts. RSL Awards is a global, specialist awarding body. We pride ourselves on our knowledge of the sectors we work in, and the quality and integrity of the qualifications we award. The world is full of musicians and performers who are keen to hone their skills and we are here to support them.

    The qualifications regulators of England, (Ofqual) Wales, (DfES) and Northern Ireland (CCEA) accredit Rockschool Graded Music Exams, Entry Level (Debut) to Grade 8 plus the Teaching and Performance Diplomas. The qualifications regulator of Scotland (SQA Accreditation) accredit Rockschool Graded Music Exams, Grades 1 to 8.

    Examinations are conducted twice a year – around June & November – in a year.
    Students at JAM are trained for various Grades of the Rockschool exams in different disciplines – Guitar, Vocals, Bass, Drums, Keyboards.

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    Performers taking the Trinity Rock & Pop exams can choose music from a wide range of contemporary and classic songs. The songs have been chosen carefully, so that musicians can develop their skills and technique while exploring some of the greatest rock and pop music ever written.

    The songbooks contain six songs for each grade. They are available with sheet music with backing and demo tracks. Songwriters can also choose to perform one of their own songs in an exam. Each songbook comes with a CD of professionally recorded backing and demo tracks. The arrangements and recordings were put together by a team of highly experienced musicians, & are put together by the team from Trinity UK.

    Examinations are conducted twice a year – around April & October – in a year.
    Students at JAM are trained for various Grades of the Rock & Pop exams in different disciplines – Guitar, Vocals, Bass, Drums, Keyboards.